«Villanueva de la Serena Smart City» is the first project of the Smart Cities National Plan in the frame of the Digital Agenda that makes its debut. The completion of the works was announced yesterday by the Mayor of Villanueva de la Serena, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, and the Deputy Director of Samrt Cities and Open Data of Red.es, José Ignacio Sánchez Valdenebro.
The initiative has aimed to create a more friendly environment for citizens and visitors of the municipality, while achieving greater social welfare through the use of information and communication technologies, create a more efficient and sustainable municipality, boost the economic and business development, and increase savings and quality in the provision of public services, the city council said in a statement.
The project in this town of Badajoz has had a final budget of 317,000 euros that have been co-financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
The actions carried out have resulted in the development of an open–data portal, the creation of a municipal geographic information system and a spatial data infrastructure, the design of a mobile application for citizens and administration, a smart parking solution and a tool for the management of energy efficiency.
These solutions allow citizens to participate in the city council management and control processes and promote communication and information exchange with the municipal administration. The website of the city council includes a special section aimed at disseminating the content of the initiative and facilitating access to the different tools developed.
«Villanueva de la Serena Smart City»
«Villanueva de la Serena Smart City» means, in short, the creation of a technological infrastructure that predisposes the municipality to the integration of other proposals of the smart area in urban environments says the City Council.
«Villanueva de la Serena Smart City» is one of the First Call for Smart Cities´ beneficiary projects. It was launched in June 2014, with a maximum budget of 15 million euro. Municipalities of more than 20,000 inhabitants of Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha and Extremadura were entitled to these grants. Eleven initiatives are now being implemented (7 in Andalusia, 2 in Castilla La Mancha and 2 in Extremadura), with actions in 24 municipalities and an expected investment of 13.8 million euro.
The call is part of the Smart Cities National Plan within the Digital Agenda for Spain, endowed with a budget of 188 million euro. Its goal is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of local entities in the provision of public services through ICT and to advance in the Smart Tourism Destination and City system.
Carlos Sánchez Criado
Publicista por la Universidad Complutense. Director comercial de publicaciones técnicas del sector de la energía durante doce años. Director de Energy News Events, S.L. desde 2012 difundiendo información en Energynews.es, movilidadelectrica.com e hidrogeno-verde.es. Y por supuesto, organizando eventos como VEM, la Feria del Vehículo Eléctrico de Madrid.